Bicyclist Interactions
As someone who uses his bicycle almost every day to travel to/from campus, I’d like to offer the following observations and recommendations to those who, as a bicyclist, I interact with while making my daily commute, regardless of whether you are a pedestrian, another bicyclist or driving a motor vehicle.
Generally speaking, it’d be best if you ignore us bicyclists, or at least pretend to ignore us. When riding a bike, we are generally anticipating where pedestrians will be if they continue on their present course, not assuming they will stop to let us by. Thus, stopping suddenly or taking a step “out of the way” when you see us is generally more hazardous than helpful, no matter your intentions. If you are heading across my path, I will plan to either head you off enough so that I won’t hit you even if you continue along your present path, or I will plan to bike behind you. If necessary, I will slow to allow you to pass. But if you start across my path, see me, and then stop, I have to suddenly change my plans to take into account that you’re no longer going to be where I expected.