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Creation & Time

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I’ve just finished the fourth episode in my series on arguments and evidence for Christianity.  This is the first of two which may be somewhat controversial to Christians because I take an old-earth stance on creation.

I didn’t always hold this view.  When I began preparing this study, I did not believe life to be millions of years old and the most difficult part of my research was realizing that such a belief really was unscientific.  That’s not to say that I don’t think it’s possible that life and/or the universe is only 6-10,000 years old…God could have created it with the appearance of age.  But I no longer think that you can make such an argument based on science or observing the evidence in creation.  Thus, since I believe that Christianity is and should be consistent with history and observable facts, I now find myself in the “old-earth” camp.

So if you are skeptical about whether the Bible is consistent with a view of creation that essentially accepts the fossil record as accurate (along with conventional dating of millions+ of years), so was I.  I now believe that it is consistent, and this episode and the next will explain why.  I hope you find it interesting and that, if nothing else, it encourages you to more deeply explore these topics yourself.

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DJ Douchebag

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I apologize for the language, but this is a rant.

I was driving downtown this evening to see Edwin McCain and his band play at Antone’s in Austin (great show).  I was listening to the local rock station (93.7) on the way down and heard a shining example of why I can’t stand the vast majority of DJs.

It’s no secret that most rock station DJs are either failed rockers who never really “got” working for a living, or lowlifes who are just doing it because it’s a step above cleaning toilets and they happen to have a voice that sounds good on the radio (or both).  The guy tonight, though, really takes the cake.

So he’s doing a plug for the “babes section” of the station’s website.  If it’s not sleazy enough that he has to do that, he takes it a whole stairway further by saying the following (paraphrase):

“So if you’re one of those guys who has a hard time talking to the ladies, you should definitely check out the babe of the day section of the website.  I just got married so I can’t look at ‘em at home anymore because the wife checks my [browser] history, but I still check ‘em out here at the studio and man, there are some serious hotties on there.”

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Just finished the third episode in my “How Great Thou Art” video series.  This one is on the origin of life and looks at the theories of evolution and intelligent design.

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The same person who left the lengthy and thought-provoking response to my first “How Great Thou Art” video made a comment on the second one, “Creation & The Big Bang.”  As before, I decided to post my response here since it should provide worthwhile clarification of some points discussed in the video and hopefully address his differing views.

“ARS” wrote:

“The largest problem with everything you will present is that it is an argument from ignorance (Logical fallacy), nobody knows these things, and none of this is any conclusive evidence for anything other than ignorance. You say that theists call the beginning maker/creator god, but you fail to address the FACT that they have the same amount of evidence to support this as the naturalist, NONE.

“The idea that something un-natural had to create the entire universe is again an appeal to ignorance, nature outside of the universe is not known at present, and therefore cannot be said to lack the mechanism for the universes existence.

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Sorry for the long time since the last update…been a bit busy.  I’ve just finished editing the latest installment in my How Great Thou Art series in defense of the Christian faith.  This episode builds upon the last one by delving into the Big Bang Theory and how the science of cosmology gels with Biblical teaching remarkably well.  Enjoy!

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