So I just found this story buried on Fox News’ “Politics” page. Paul broke fund-raising records not 24 hours ago, and Fox News already has it listed below something about imported product safety regulations.

Worse than that is the addition of dubious information in order to belittle Paul’s accomplishment. The report states as fact the previously unpublicized claim by the Romney campaign that he raised $6.7 million in a day early in his campaign.

If this were true, he probably would have made a big deal out of it back then as it would have broken John Kerry’s 2004 record. But we’re just now hearing about it. It also doesn’t agree with his FEC filings, which list his largest one day take at just over $3 million. So nobody seems to know where he’s getting this number. The Paul campaign today released a press handout that addresses the one-day fundraising claims of both Clinton and Romney.

Which finally brings me to this quote:

Romney: “He’s getting close to what I raised on our first day. … so I am delighted that he’s been able to raise what he needs to go forward, and it’s only two-thirds as much or a little less than that than we raised on our first day.”

Big of you, Mitt. I’m suuuure you’re delighted that this little upstart from Texas is doing better financially and has much more energized supporters than your own debt-ridden campaign.

What a condescending jerk.

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